How wallpaper can change the interior beyond recognition

The remnants of wallpaper from previous repairs can do a good job, help transform the space and become a beautiful addition to the interior. How exactly? We have collected 10 practical ideas and 30 inspiring examples Wallpapers can change your interior beyond recognition! And this applies not only to "freshly bought" rolls.

Small pieces that you have left after previous repairs will help to update not only the walls, but also cabinets, chests of drawers, lamps and even stairs. And it will always look attractive, original and interesting.



It happens that after the repair, not just scraps remain, but also a couple of rolls. This amount is usually not enough to cover the entire room, but it is enough for one wall. This technique is very popular, allowing you to refresh the interior, spending a minimum of time and money. In addition, this way you can zone the space or focus on a certain part of the room.
If you find several different types of wallpaper, then by combining them and making the same squares, you can paste them over not only one wall, but the whole room (of course, if this amount is enough).

The patchwork technique is very relevant today, even when it comes to wallpaper. But do not forget about color combinations, choose no more than three basic shades.



As for color combinations, white is considered the most versatile color, which is in harmony with all shades. It looks best with red, black, brown, purple, peach and blue.

Wallpaper in beige shades will go well with gray, purple, terracotta, swamp, olive, chocolate and light brown colors. Gray looks good in combination with blue, pink, green and yellow. But black is good with cream, beige and chocolate shades, slightly diluted with bright red or yellow.

How to choose the right wallpaper

Today, wallpaper is in almost every apartment or house. This finishing material is so popular not only because of its relative cheapness. Wallpapers are famous for the fact that they do not require any special gluing skills: they can be easily replaced in case of wear. But how to choose the right "clothes" for your walls? Let's talk about this now.

The color of the wallpaper will reflect your lifestyle, inner worldview and state of mind, so color is the most important factor when choosing this finishing material. The color of the walls in the room can not only affect the mood, but also visually enlarge the room (light-colored wallpaper with a small pattern), as well as make low ceilings taller (striped wallpaper combined with a light ceiling and a dark floor).  Today, paintable wallpapers are very popular, which can withstand up to six paints. This is convenient when changing the interior or when you just want to change the mood of the room.

Types of wallpaper for painting

Glass wallpapers are used for painting, as well as paper and non-woven wallpaper. As a rule, these are embossed wallpapers without a pattern of non-standard sizes. Paper wallpaper for painting can also be glued to the ceiling.  Non-woven perfectly hide cracks and uneven walls. Glass fiber is more often used in office renovations.


What wallpaper is best for the kitchen

Appetite will be stimulated by yellow and orange colors, as well as all shades of green, which cannot be said about cold tones. Different types of wallpaper are suitable for the kitchen, depending on your preferences: washable and embossed, smooth and vinyl.

Very often glued to the kitchen vinyl wallpapers. They are easy to clean with a damp sponge. Such wallpapers are the most durable and strong, less often than other types they crumple and tear during the gluing process.


How to choose wallpaper for the living room

If you want your living room or hall - the main place in the apartment - to be festive and solemn, then use fabric or tapestry wallpaper. However, if the price of these finishing materials does not suit you, then you can paste over the hall with vinyl wallpaper - this is a more practical and affordable option.

It is also important to consider the color range of products. Remember that burgundy, red and their shades will create an alarming and depressing atmosphere. Keep in mind that brown furniture is in harmony with green and light brown, light orange and beige tones. And white furniture will look great against the background of gray, blue and pink wallpapers.



What wallpaper to choose for the bathroom

Wallpaper is rarely glued to this room, and this is not recommended. But if you really want to decorate the bathroom, then be sure to consult a specialist before buying wallpaper. Otherwise, you risk choosing finishing materials that are afraid of moisture and steam, have high hygroscopicity (quickly absorb water and swell).

For the bathroom, polymer-based wallpapers or liquid wallpapers are suitable, which, after application, are painted over with a colorless waterproof varnish.


How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so it is desirable to create a comfortable atmosphere here. Light wallpaper in the bedroom will make the room visually more lit (for example, yellowish, cream, pale pink and golden wallpaper).

If we are talking about a married couple, then each of the spouses should express their wishes regarding the color of the wallpaper in the bedroom, since not all men, for example, will be satisfied with pink. In any case, wallpaper for the bedroom is better to choose muted and calm tones, although this is a matter of taste. Some, for example, like a cheerful start to a new day, so they choose bright colors.



How to choose wallpaper for a nursery

Your child will grow and develop in the nursery, so the nursery is an important and unique place. Here you need to create a special atmosphere. Today, the market offers a wide selection of finishing materials for the nursery: these are wallpapers with Disney and Russian fairy-tale characters, phosphorescent stars, multi-colored neon splashes. It will not be easy for parents to make a choice, but it should be remembered that the most important thing is the environmental friendliness and non-toxicity of the material, its heat resistance.

What wallpaper to choose for the corridor

Entering the house, the first thing you and your guests find yourself in the corridor. Therefore, it is important to create in this part of the apartment an atmosphere that will not be gray and boring. For practical reasons, it is better not to choose light wallpapers in the corridor. Also, very dark ones will not look attractive. Something in between is best. In any case, it is recommended to choose washable wallpaper for the corridor, which can be quickly wiped off, removing dirty marks, for example, from boots or an open umbrella.


Preparing walls for wallpapering

Prepare walls for painting  it's not that hard on your own. All you may need is a little patience and skills, as well as some tools and materials:

- spatulas (metal and plastic);

- primer;

- paint roller;

- atomizer (pulverizer);

- water;

- putty;

- level or plumb.

First of all, you need to remove the old wallpaper. This is not to say that this lesson is difficult, but still you may encounter some difficulties.



Removing old wallpaper

The easiest way to remove non-woven wallpaper. They are two-layer, and the top layer is removed with a bang, and new canvases can be immediately glued onto the paper base. Removing simple paper wallpapers is the most difficult, but there are some ways to make this job easier. For example, you can wet the paper with a cloth or use a spray bottle with warm water. After some time, the wallpaper can be removed. You can determine when to do this by a simple sign: the paper begins to  flake off the walls.

There is also a special liquid. It is used in more complex cases. The composition of this liquid allows you to quickly and effectively penetrate  into the structure, guaranteeing high-quality removal and excluding damage to the substrate.

When using PVA glue, many problems arise with the subsequent removal of the canvases. In this case, wetting will have to be carried out several times, and for high-quality removal, use a spatula. To more effectively moisten the paper, you can use an iron with a steamer or a steam generator.


How to remove paintable and washable wallpaper

Remove paintable wallpaper and washable wallpaper is not an easy task, but there are certain recommendations for such difficult situations. Washable wallpapers usually have a special film coating. The best tool for removing such canvases can be a “wallpaper tiger” - a special perforator or a wire brush.

After you work with such tools (unfortunately, you will have to sweat a lot), you need to wet the surface  water, but most likely, you will have to use a special tool. By the way, you will also have to repeat the process more than once.

The principle of removing wallpaper for painting is the same - first remove the paint layer, and then proceed directly to removing the main layer.


Putty the walls correctly

In order for the new wallpaper to really decorate your apartment, after removing the old paintings, you should properly prepare the base.

Before applying the putty, the surface must be treated with a deep penetration primer and allowed to dry. If cracks or places requiring repair are found in the wall, then they must be repaired with a plaster mixture. To do this, you can use the basic putty. After the wall dries, it is necessary to sand it with sandpaper. Then you should clean the walls of dust - you can simply wipe them with a dry cloth and prime the surface.

Depending on the selected wallpaper, the surface must be puttied several times (two or three). Apply the mixture from top to bottom and from left to right. When applying, make sure that the putty lies evenly.


Glue the wallpaper correctly

Knowledge of the process of pasting surfaces ensures success when working with wallpaper. The theory, supported by practice, allows you to make fast and high-quality wallpapering. As a rule, this process is not difficult for trained people.

Here are some tips that will help you when decorating the walls in the rooms on your own.

How to glue wallpaper

Properly organized work requires successive overcoming of several stages:

1. All repair activities must be preceded by the preparation of the working surface. It consists in cleaning from old coatings: paper, paints, whitewash, dust, etc. Many people don't care if new sheets can be placed on top of old ones and make the mistake of putting fresh sheets on top of previous ones.

2. After cleaning the surface, you should proceed to leveling it and filling cracks. The use of a primer for this purpose is impractical, as it makes it difficult for the adhesive to absorb.

3. Next, the height of the wall is measured and the wallpaper is cut off with a margin of about 5 cm. The presence of a pattern when gluing, for example, children's wallpaper, involves selecting a picture. The absence of a drawing makes the task much easier.

4. Sticking sheets starts from the window. Carefully smeared canvases along a plumb line are superimposed on the wall. The adhesive must match the type of material. It depends on him whether to impregnate the wall with glue or not.

5. Heavy coatings are glued end-to-end, light paper ones are overlapped.

6. The secret of how to glue wallpaper in the corners (external and internal) is to transfer the joints of the paintings from the corners to the wall.

7. Air bubbles are forced out by the rubber roller. This is how the sheets are smoothed along the walls and the joints between them are rolled.

8. The protruding fragments of the canvas are cut off before the final drying of the glue.


Wallpaper sticker on the ceiling 

Today, pasting the ceiling with wallpaper is not a frequent phenomenon, but practiced. If tension structures are more often used to decorate living rooms and halls, then it is easier to paste over ceilings in domestic premises.

Our kitchens, as a rule, do not have a large area. Therefore the ceiling sticker wallpaper for the kitchen will not become too laborious and lengthy process.   

The sequence of actions when pasting ceilings is as follows:

1. We prepare the ceiling for wallpaper. Preparation consists in leveling it with an acrylic primer.

2. We outline the control line.

3. Coat the cuts with glue, fold them in waves with a wave depth of 30 cm.

4. We hold the "accordions" in one hand, smooth out the jams from the middle of the canvas to the edge with a roller in the other hand.

5. We paste the canvases with the orientation of each subsequent one to the previous one. The direction of the first sheet must match the markup.

6. We make a neat docking with the wall, cut the canvas evenly.

After that, it remains only to temporarily protect the room from the penetration of drafts and soon rejoice at the end of the repair.

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6 secrets of quality wallpapers

Secret One: Consider Lighting

Bright, sunny rooms are pasted over with “cold” colors. This will calm the brightness of the sun's rays a little and muffle the perception of too transparent colors. It can be blue, light blue, light gray and silver tones, the basis of which is blue.

In poorly lit rooms with windows to the north, warm-colored wallpapers will look better.

The walls will become pleasantly light, and the room will be warm and inviting. It can be cream, fawn, orange, green and light red wallpapers, in which yellow color prevails.

Secret two: Consider the size

Dark colors increase, and light colors visually expand the room. Therefore, this must be taken into account when choosing wallpaper. The size of the room matters a lot.

Red and yellow shades bring the walls together, blue and blue, on the contrary, move away, so the room seems spacious.



Secret Three: Consider the Mood

Small rooms of medium size, with ceilings no higher than three meters, covered with wallpaper with small patterns, seem more spacious.

A large pattern is used in large rooms with high ceilings. A bright, large drawing gets bored very quickly, you can get tired of it, so it’s better not to risk it, otherwise your repair will always continue.

Secret Four: Consider Variety

Don't repeat yourself. Try to choose wallpaper so that all rooms are different, but in the same style. You should not combine very bright and very faded tones. Dark and light. Much better when the tones complement each other.

If you have a lot of paintings or wall decorations, then, so that the walls do not overshadow them, choose a smooth one-color wallpaper or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern.

Secret Five: Consider the height and color of the ceiling

The color of the ceiling should be at least one tone lighter than the color of the wallpaper.

The ceiling appears higher if it is lighter and lower if it is darker than the wallpaper.

Wallpaper with a large, vertical pattern makes the room look taller.

Too high ceilings can be visually reduced by sticking a low border under the ceiling, and sticking a horizontal pattern or a wide border on the walls. You can also paste over the walls with two types of wallpaper complementing each other in tone and texture, dividing them with a finishing strip.


Secret Six: Consider texture and pattern

Wallpaper with a plain pattern is the most common and easy to use. They can be combined, painted, but so that your walls do not seem boring, even plain wallpaper can be chosen with a different texture, that is, an embossed or convex pattern.

Today, the choice is huge, the main thing when buying wallpaper, think about which room and in what style you want to decorate them. So that repairs, efforts and funds are not wasted, try to take into account all the nuances and features so that you and your household feel comfortable and pleasant in the new interior.
