Today, wallpaper is in almost every apartment or house. This finishing material is so popular not only because of its relative cheapness. Wallpapers are famous for the fact that they do not require any special gluing skills: they can be easily replaced in case of wear. But how to choose the right "clothes" for your walls? Let's talk about this now.
The color of the wallpaper will reflect your lifestyle, inner worldview and state of mind, so color is the most important factor when choosing this finishing material. The color of the walls in the room can not only affect the mood, but also visually enlarge the room (light-colored wallpaper with a small pattern), as well as make low ceilings taller (striped wallpaper combined with a light ceiling and a dark floor). Today, paintable wallpapers are very popular, which can withstand up to six paints. This is convenient when changing the interior or when you just want to change the mood of the room.
Types of wallpaper for painting
Glass wallpapers are used for painting, as well as paper and non-woven wallpaper. As a rule, these are embossed wallpapers without a pattern of non-standard sizes. Paper wallpaper for painting can also be glued to the ceiling. Non-woven perfectly hide cracks and uneven walls. Glass fiber is more often used in office renovations.

What wallpaper is best for the kitchen
Appetite will be stimulated by yellow and orange colors, as well as all shades of green, which cannot be said about cold tones. Different types of wallpaper are suitable for the kitchen, depending on your preferences: washable and embossed, smooth and vinyl.
Very often glued to the kitchen vinyl wallpapers. They are easy to clean with a damp sponge. Such wallpapers are the most durable and strong, less often than other types they crumple and tear during the gluing process.
How to choose wallpaper for the living room
If you want your living room or hall - the main place in the apartment - to be festive and solemn, then use fabric or tapestry wallpaper. However, if the price of these finishing materials does not suit you, then you can paste over the hall with vinyl wallpaper - this is a more practical and affordable option.
It is also important to consider the color range of products. Remember that burgundy, red and their shades will create an alarming and depressing atmosphere. Keep in mind that brown furniture is in harmony with green and light brown, light orange and beige tones. And white furniture will look great against the background of gray, blue and pink wallpapers.

What wallpaper to choose for the bathroom
Wallpaper is rarely glued to this room, and this is not recommended. But if you really want to decorate the bathroom, then be sure to consult a specialist before buying wallpaper. Otherwise, you risk choosing finishing materials that are afraid of moisture and steam, have high hygroscopicity (quickly absorb water and swell).
For the bathroom, polymer-based wallpapers or liquid wallpapers are suitable, which, after application, are painted over with a colorless waterproof varnish.
How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom
We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so it is desirable to create a comfortable atmosphere here. Light wallpaper in the bedroom will make the room visually more lit (for example, yellowish, cream, pale pink and golden wallpaper).
If we are talking about a married couple, then each of the spouses should express their wishes regarding the color of the wallpaper in the bedroom, since not all men, for example, will be satisfied with pink. In any case, wallpaper for the bedroom is better to choose muted and calm tones, although this is a matter of taste. Some, for example, like a cheerful start to a new day, so they choose bright colors.

How to choose wallpaper for a nursery
Your child will grow and develop in the nursery, so the nursery is an important and unique place. Here you need to create a special atmosphere. Today, the market offers a wide selection of finishing materials for the nursery: these are wallpapers with Disney and Russian fairy-tale characters, phosphorescent stars, multi-colored neon splashes. It will not be easy for parents to make a choice, but it should be remembered that the most important thing is the environmental friendliness and non-toxicity of the material, its heat resistance.
What wallpaper to choose for the corridor
Entering the house, the first thing you and your guests find yourself in the corridor. Therefore, it is important to create in this part of the apartment an atmosphere that will not be gray and boring. For practical reasons, it is better not to choose light wallpapers in the corridor. Also, very dark ones will not look attractive. Something in between is best. In any case, it is recommended to choose washable wallpaper for the corridor, which can be quickly wiped off, removing dirty marks, for example, from boots or an open umbrella.